Risk Of Procedure

Risks or side effects associated with Vasectomy

Although complications such as swelling, bruising, inflammation, hematoma, and infection may occur after the surgery, they are not common and usually not serious. Men who develop these symptoms, as defined by the National institiue of Child health and human development , at any time should contact their physician:


The most common side effect is called epididymitis/orchitis which ha symptoms that include painful, swollen, and tender of the epididymis or testis was found to be more common after vasectomy. This local inflammation most often occurs during the first year after surgery. This can be easily treated by applying heat to the area.

Another possible long term side effect of no-scapel vasectomy is sperm granulomas.   Sperm granulomas are miniature lumps caused when sperm leaks out from the cut end of the vas deferens after sugery.  During the no-scapel, the vas deferens is severed and then cauterized, tied or blocked off to prevent sperm leakage.  Some men are able to feel these lumps in the testicles, which sometimes cause pain and inflammation.  For severe discomfort, surgery is used to correct this condition.  

Long-term pain and discomfort felt in the testicles and lower pelvic region after vasectomy surgery has an accepted condition called PVPS.  This cause and solutions ar enot the same for each man.  Some men seek treatment for PVPS with medication, nerve blocks, or psychiatric care to learn how to cope with the pain.  This condition is very rare. 

After vasectomy, the testes continue to make sperm. When the sperm cells die, they are absorbed by the body, just as they are in a man who has not had a vasectomy. Sometimes, however, men, following a vasectomy, develop immune reactions to sperm. Sperm usually don’t come in contact with immune cells, so they do not elicit an immune response. But, vasectomy breaches the barriers that separate immune cells from sperm and men can develop anti-sperm antibodies after the surgery.

Most men get very nervous when it involves surgery on their sexual organ. The fear of no-scalpel vasectomy produced a psychological side effect. Though the fear is largely unfounded by science, it manifests in effecting the ability to maintain an erection, have an orgasm or feel pleasure during sex. Researchers in Australia interviewed over 3000 men post-vasectomy and found that there were no differences in sexual satisfaction between men who had vasectomies and those who had not.
The incidence of vasectomy failure is estimated between .5% and 1% and varies with the skill and experience of the doctor and with the approach used to block the tubes. It is for this reason that testing semen samples is essential. If the second test shows non-motile (also know as dead sperm), then a 3rd test is obtained. If this follow-up test again showed dead sperm or no sperm then the patient is cleared. However, if the follow-up test shows moving sperm, then the patient would require a further testing of up to 6 months post vasectomy. If this moving sperm does not clear up the patient will be declared as having had a vasectomy failure and it should be redone.